Tuesday, 20 March 2007

New perspective at insurance.

Here's a look at this funny ads from Bangkok commercials. I hope you enjoy it as I do.

Monday, 19 March 2007

Don't try to do this...

This guy is really pushing the car to the limit.

Look at the rear wheels...

More from Home Depot Genius

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Playing video games improve eye sight...

From LiveScience.com;
People who started out as non-gamers and then received 30 hours of training on first-person action video games showed a substantial increase in their ability to see objects accurately in a cluttered space, compared to non-gamers given the same test, said Daphne Bevelier of the University of Rochester.

Playing "Gears of War," "Lost Planet," "Halo" and other action video games that involve firing guns can improve your eyesight, new research claims.

Sedate games like "Tetris" don't work.

People who started out as non-gamers and then received 30 hours of training on first-person action video games showed a substantial increase in their ability to see objects accurately in a cluttered space, compared to non-gamers given the same test, said Daphne Bevelier of the University of Rochester.

Most aspects of vision have to do with the size of one's eye and the thickness and shape of the cornea and lens. But some visual defects are neural in nature, said Bevelier, author of the new study on vision and video games published in the journal Psychological Science.

First-person action games helped study subjects improve their spatial resolution, meaning their ability to clearly see small, closely packed together objects, such as letters, she said. Game-playing actually changes the way our brains process visual information.

So, it's proven already. So show it to anybody trying to stop you from improving your eye sight.

Friday, 16 March 2007

What a one red paper clip worth?

The remarkable story about one man,Kyle MacDonald journey exchanging one humble red paper clip to finally one house. What's an inspiration.

Ice, there's 11 types of them....I know only one.

Scientists from Sandia National Laboratories found out that:
Ice is odd. Most things shrink when they get cold, and so they take up less space as solids than as liquids. But regular ice, of course, takes up more space than water. A simple experiment of putting a (preferably cheap) full water bottle in the freeze overnight will demonstrate this.

In the new experiment, however, the volume of "water shrank abruptly and discontinuously, consistent with the formation of almost every known form of ice except the ordinary kind," according to a Sandia statement Thursday.

Apparently, there are at least 11 other types of ice that most of us don't know about. They're classified by how they behave at certain temperatures and pressures. You might have heard of one: Supercooled water can be below 32 degrees but not frozen.
More in ice than eyes can see.Further you probe, the further you know...but how far you go and it is worth it. I think it is...

More from LiveScience.com

40 things that only happens in movies.

Thing always fit nicely on place in movies. However, did you observe that certain things can only happens in the movies.

Let's look at 40 things that only happens in the movies...

From indianpad.com:

1. It is always possible to find a parking spot directly outside or opposite the building you are visiting.

2. When paying for a taxi, don’t look at your wallet as you take out a note. Just grab one out at random and hand it over. It will always be the exact fare.

3. Television news bulletins usually contain a story that affects you personally at the precise moment it’s aired.

4. Creepy music (or satanic chanting) coming from a graveyard should always be closely investigated.

5. Any lock can be picked with a credit card or paperclip in seconds. UNLESS it’s the door to a burning building with a child inside.

6. If you decide to start dancing in the street, everyone you bump into will know all the steps.

7. All bombs are fitted with electronic timing devices with large red digital displays so you know exactly when they are going to explode.

8. Should you wish to pass yourself off as a German officer, it will not be necessary to learn to speak German. Simply speaking English with a German accent will do.
Similarly, when they are alone, all German soldiers prefer to speak English to each other.

9. Once applied, lipstick will never rub off. Even while scuba diving.

10. The Eiffel Tower can be seen from any window of any building in Paris.

More from no.11 to 40 things that only happens in movie.

Thursday, 15 March 2007

Warning! May cause nausea...

This optical illusion site starts with:
"Some of the pictures on this website can cause dizziness or might possibly epileptic seizures.

The latter happens when the brain can't handle the conflicting information from your two eyes. If you start feeling unwell when using this website, immediately cover one eye with your hand and then leave the page.

Do not close your eyes because that can make the attack worse."
Rotating illusion picture#11. Can you see that there's seem to be a movement in this visual illusion

This is one of the free optical illusion pictures featured on this site. I want more...

If you still want to see more,please continue at your own risk. You have been warned.

Get me more at Akiyoshi's illusion pages.

Wednesday, 14 March 2007

Strange and weird building all around the world.

Previously, I post about weird statues all around the world, now let's look at weird buildings all around the world.

Look at the weird shape and structure of the building. Some looks like a robot, upside down and even a building that look like it's being hit by an earthquake. I wonder the feeling of living in it. Wobbly.

More weird buildings from UniqueDaily.com

Check my previous post,"Strange statues all around the world."

Funny photos

There's a selection of funny photos from this site. It's really funny that make you at least smile or burst into laughter.

Share it with others and cheer up everybody.

A whole lot more from damnfunnypictures.com

How to tow a car in Okinawa.

Well, this is a unique way to tow a car. Different and as effective as normal one.

Tuesday, 13 March 2007

Two heads one body.

Conjoined twins. A remarkable journey of siamese twins with both heads attached to the same body.

It's make you value back your life.

More on "The World of Siamese Twins"

Sell it or else?

This happens if you refuse to sell your house and stood to the ground.

From Annova.com:

"Developers have turned a house into an island in China after the owner refused to move out.

The villa now stands alone in a 30ft deep man-made pit in Chongqing city, reports Jinbao Daily.

The Chongqing Zhengsheng Real Estate Company wants to turn the area into a £40m 'Broadway' square, including apartments and a shopping mall."


What did you see? Old or young...

Stare at her eyes. What can you see; an old lady.

Now look upside down, how about that? Still an old lady.

For more effect check it out at subliminal message.

Strange statues all around the world.

There's a lot of statue all around our cities and park.

Here you can see all kind of strange statues from all around the world. It's make you turn your head twice.

Some of it are really weird, fun and mind bobbling.

What an idea to attract people and create a wonderful focal point for ordinary mundane city or park.

More strange-statues-around-the-world photos.

Monday, 12 March 2007

Nothing to say...try these

You're stuck in a long journey on a bus or train. You're desperate to talk to a stranger sit next to you but have no idea where to start...

How about "Did you know that Dolphins sleep with one eye open."
Apples are more effective at keeping people awake in the morning than caffeine.

A can of SPAM is opened about every 4 seconds somewhere in the world.

"Babe" was played by over 48 pigs.

Mosquitoes have 47 teeth.

Most lipstick is partailly made of fish scales.

Ants never sleep.
It's a really weird ice braker...Well try it if it's really works.

There's a lot more on a site so called "Useless Facts"

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Uncomfortable toilets

Well, what can I say, it's really go that far to make you spent a less time or not using it at all.

Well, if I'm really have to go, you have to go,regardless.

Check for some more photos.

Saturday, 10 March 2007

UFO or just clouds?

Wherever you are, clouds are always there for you. Well are all clouds the same?

Check out "The Cloud Appreciation Society."

As the site's name it's all about clouds.There are about 2000 plus photos of clouds.

There's all kind of clouds and some resembles all kind of things such as UFO, mushroom etc.

You can even join the society for about 3 pound sterling + postage and get a certificate and a badge. Currently 7674 cloudspotters already joining in.

The end of internet radio?

An increase of music's royalties could an spell end to internet radio. From BBC News.
Internet radio stations are warning they could be forced off the air by a big increase in the royalties they pay to play music.

The warning comes after a decision by a US copyright body to increase royalty payments for music via the net.

Commercial webcasters in the US now face the prospect of paying more than twice as much for every track they play.

Interactive services like Pandora and Last.fm say they could be badly hit.
So, more and more big bucks coming in to music industry and less for us.

Human and Gorilla similarity...any hanky panky

From LiveScience.com
Humans caught pubic lice, aka "the crabs," from gorillas roughly three million years ago, scientists now report.

Humans are unique among primates in that we host two different kinds of lice—one on our heads and bodies (Pediculus)and pubic lice (Pthirus).

In comparison, chimpanzees have only head lice and gorillas only pubic lice.
So, what do you think? How's on earth it transfers to human.

Friday, 9 March 2007

What a nice car. Well who design it?

Believe it or not. Most car manufactures zooming in to South Korea in a quest to find a new refreshing designs. From Reuters:
When I first saw the sketches that Korean students were drawing, I was utterlyshocked," said Shiro Nakamura, chief creative officer and head of design at Nissan, Japan's third-largest automaker.

"Their design is very emotional and powerful. I hate to say it, but they are miles ahead of Japanese students, both in terms of design sense and technique.

There's no comparison," he said, adding that Nissan would likely hire more Korean designers this year than Japanese.

Difficulty to sleep...Blame it on your genes

Researchers have found genetic factors play a major role in sleep disorders such as severe snoring and involuntary leg jerking.

The findings are based on a study of almost 2,000 pairs of female twins by the Twin Research Unit at St Thomas' Hospital, London.
This according to BBC.

So, it's everything we do boils down to our genes?

I don't know. Are we really in control of ourselves? You have a say on that.

Beware of supermarket tricks.

"Every little helps! The very best for less! Everyday low prices! Quality food attractively priced!

Listen to our supermarkets' slogans and you might be persuaded that they all compete madly to give price-conscious shoppers the very best deal. But do they ?"

Not according to Daily Mail.

It's a daylight robbery, I'll tell you but the point is you don't even realised it.

Can you help this poor Panda

Animal researchers are appealing to the world for help in making an artificial leg for a panda that lost a limb - to save its sex life.

The animal, being cared for at a centre in northern China, lost a limb in a fight with another panda.

In December, a resident of Dajiangou village in Shaanxi province stumbled upon a group of pandas fighting.

One seriously injured panda, a two or three-year-old female that rescuers named Niu Niu, was taken to an animal rescue centre and saved.

But it lost two-thirds of its front left leg.

More from SkyNews.

Thursday, 8 March 2007

Vista in Doom?

Having difficulty installing the new Microsoft's Window Vista on your computer?

Don't go to this extend. Frustrated. Go get some help.

As with all new things, compatibility issue with older equipment or software will always become a major headache.

Wait for a good few month for manufactures to catch up with a new driver etc.

How an aeroplane empty it's toilets?

Ever wondered how an aeroplane empty it's toilet. Wonder no more. Look at this clips and your curiosity will be answered. But it that the true. I don't really know.